The Great Taxicab Robbery

The Great Taxicab Robbery by James H. Collins

The Great Taxicab Robbery by James H. Collins

In 1912, $25,000 was stolen during a bank transfer in New York City in broad daylight. In what may appear astonishing in today’s world, the transfer occurred in a New York City taxicab. This factual account brings true crime of the early twentieth century to life. The various methods used by the detectives and police in their attempts to solve the mystery behind the robbery, and hopefully bring the thieves to justice, makes for great reading, particularly when one considers the fact that the accounts occurred over a century ago, and are quite authentic. Although the police now have higher technological advantages than was available over a century ago, the reader may find that many general techniques haven’t changed all that much over the years. The characters involved with this true caper prove ingenious on both sides.

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