Tag Archives: free audio books

In a Steamer Chair and Other Stories

In a Steamer Chair and Other Stories by Robert Barr

In a Steamer Chair and Other Stories by Robert Barr

Thirteen short stories by one of the most famous writers in his day. Robert Barr was a British Canadian short story writer and novelist, born in Glasgow, Scotland. In London Barr became a more prolific author – publishing a book a year – and was familiar with many of the best selling authors of his day, including Bret Harte and Stephen Crane. Most of his literary output was of the crime genre, then quite in vogue. When Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories were becoming well known, Barr published in the Idler the first Holmes parody, “The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs”, a spoof that was continued a decade later in another Barr story, “The Adventure of the Second Swag”.Despite the jibe at the growing Holmes phenomenon Barr and Doyle remained on very good terms. Doyle describes him in his memoirs Memories and Adventures as, “a volcanic Anglo – or rather Scot American, with a violent manner, a wealth of strong adjectives, and one of the kindest natures underneath it all.” (Summary by Wikipedia)

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My Buried Treasure

My Buried Treasure by Richard Harding Davis

My Buried Treasure by Richard Harding Davis

This is a true story of a search for buried treasure. The only part that is not true is the name of the man with whom I searched for the treasure. Unless I keep his name out of it he will not let me write the story, and, as it was his expedition and as my share of the treasure is only what I can make by writing the story, I must write as he dictates. I think the story should be told, because our experience was unique, and might be of benefit to others. And, besides, I need the money.

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The Rebel Rose

The Rebel Rose by Justin McCarthy

The Rebel Rose by Justin McCarthy

The Rebel Rose is the story of Mary Stuart Beaton, a descendant of Mary Queen of Scots who has come to London in the hope of having her family claims legitimized. The Pretendress — as she is called, finds herself caught up in the devices of her own personal guardians as well as a scheming London society woman scorned by a powerful member of Parliament who has become an admirer of the Princess. Apart from the claims of royalty, Mary Beaton knows where her worth is found and she proves to be a formidable opponent for all those scheming for and against her.

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The Dead Letter

The Dead Letter by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor

The Dead Letter by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor

“The Dead Letter: An American Romance” written by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor under the pseudonym, Seeley Regester, is credited by historians of popular literature to be the first full-length American crime fiction novel. The writing is melodramatic in places and includes opinions typical of the time period, but is an enjoyable, early example of the genre. The novel begins with Richard Redfield, a clerk in the “Dead Letter Office,” opening an unclaimed letter. Upon reading the contents, he is convinced that the message relates to the events of a night two years prior when another young man was brutally murdered.

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Vital Ingredient

Vital Ingredient by Gerald Vance

Vital Ingredient by Gerald Vance

Frankie was ready for the big test—Ten-Time Winner of the world title. He was young and fit and able; also, he had Milt’s cunning brain to direct every feint and punch. This left only one thing in doubt, the….

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The Last Egyptian

The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum

The Last Egyptian by L. Frank Baum

Published anonymously during Baum’s lifetime as he did not want his adult adventure stories to detract from his children’s fantasy stories, the story takes the limited points of view of three protagonists in the field of Egyptology. A complex tale of intrigue, embezzlement, forgery, arranged marriages, bigotry and cheating keep the reader guessing the outcome until the last chapter.

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The Mucker

The Mucker by Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Mucker by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Grown and raised on the streets of Chicago; a ruthless, brawling beast of a man who detests all that “class” and “highbrow society” has to offer. Shanghaied and put into service upon a pirate’s vessel to kidnap an affluent business man’s daughter on the high seas. Shipwrecked with mutineering shipmates, Billy Byrne now fights to rescue the young woman from not only these pirates, but ancient samurai headhunters that inhabit this lonely island…and to find the man that truly lies inside the beast.

After being framed for a murder he didn’t commit, law enforcement arrests Billy Byrne…The Mucker… as he returns to the streets of Grand Avenue. Sentenced for the crime, he escapes custody en route to jail, and begins wandering America’s roads as a homeless and penniless hobo. Joined by Bridge, a wandering poet and fellow soul on the road they escape a chasing detective and cross the border into Mexico to live in freedom, where the country is torn between two warring factions. Now the Mucker must join one side in a fight against the other, facing treachery within the ranks, robbing banks and facing savage local indians just to survive this outlaw country.

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Constance Dunlap

Constance Dunlap by Arthur B. Reeve

Constance Dunlap by Arthur B. Reeve

Constance Dunlap is a young woman who in Chapter 1 turns amateur criminal in order to to save her husband from disgrace and imminent arrest. When this sadly doesn’t work out exactly as planned, Constance goes on to embrace a new life. More antiheroine than heroine, she uses her wits and new found talents to aid others in avoiding retribution for their crimes always one step ahead of the detective pursuing her.

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Mount Royal – Volume 1

Mount Royal - Volume 1 by M. E. Braddon

Mount Royal – Volume 1 by M. E. Braddon

A classic Victorian sensation novel filled with romance, mystery, and murder with the emphasis on romance.

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